by Al Davis | Aug 9, 2017 | In Our Experience
It all started when I set out to buy a drone. The drone market has been growing rapidly and includes such companies as GoPro that started the “action video” market. In order to understand this market, lets look at a few numbers. According to...
by Al Davis | Jul 26, 2017 | In Our Experience
Over the years we have worked with many businesses ranging from startups to very large multinational companies. In many situations, they are companies that have fallen on hard times, with declining sales and profits and we find that management is scrambling on...
by Al Davis | Jul 12, 2017 | In Our Experience
Recently we once again saw a problem with United Airlines. While the problem has been widely covered on social media, a few of the details have been glossed over. One is that when the customer complained to a flight attendant about what was clearly an error by...
by Al Davis | Jun 28, 2017 | In Our Experience
For the past 20 odd years, when in the small town that is home, on Friday nights, I have gone to the same club for dinner. And for over 25 years, club management has always had something on their limited menu that will satisfy my very picky food tastes. Until...
by Al Davis | Jun 14, 2017 | In Our Experience
Sometimes companies find themselves on the wrong track. Whether due to flawed strategy, incompetent management or even just a handful of small glitches that threaten to bring down the entire enterprise, some businesses just need to make a rapid and significant...