Barbarians at the Bank

  As you know, we generally write our own blogs every two weeks. But, in this case, we read an article that was so compelling that we wanted to share it with our readers. The writer is Charlie Perer of Super G Capital, one of the new, creative lenders that has...

Losing Customers

  There is a company that makes shaving cream. They use all the typical methods of marketing from television to social media, to print advertising. They even advertise on NFL games. And, by the way, it’s actually pretty good shaving cream, having taken a...

Culture of Accountability

  A number of years ago, in a valley called Silicon, a bright aggressive sales manager was recruited by a venture capital firm to be Vice President of Sales for a “hot” startup. The initial funding was reasonable, even if the VC’s paid a bit too...

Plan B Better Be Good

  As we took some time off from our blog, I ended up on a boat trip wearing a tee shirt that had the title of this blog on the back. And the number of comments that I got was truly amazing.  From “What is Plan B?” to “Do you really have a Plan...