by Lou Kertesz | Jan 26, 2022 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
Suppose that a company whose board of directors that you sit on, or you are a significant owner or equity holder, or perhaps even with a personal guarantee for the company’s debt. It is possible that not very long ago, the company’s financial condition was...
by Lou Kertesz | Jan 12, 2022 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
As we enter 2022, we realize that many of the sources of cash that companies relied on over the past year have come to an end. The SBA’s EIDL loan program has come to an end for new applicants. PPP loans are either forgiven or in that process. And while there...
by Al Davis | Nov 10, 2021 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
Nothing makes media headlines faster than jaw-dropping executive incentive payouts and/or retention bonuses paid prior to a company’s bankruptcy filing. Within this context, the impact of COVID-19 has been uneven across sectors and has contributed to poor...
by Al Davis | Apr 14, 2021 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
In our last blog, we outlined the costs of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Shortly after writing that blog, a major Boeing supplier, TECT Aerospace, filed for Chapter 11. In their filing, they cited “catastrophic financial losses stemming from the suspension of 737 Max...
by Al Davis | Mar 31, 2021 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
During 2020 Chapter 11 business bankruptcy filings were up 29% over 2019. In the second half of 2021, bankruptcy filings are expected to increase dramatically as the economic impact of Covid -19 becomes clearer and as the various stimulus packages come to an...
by Al Davis | Sep 9, 2020 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
With Covd-19 and the differing attempts by state and local government to contain the spread by various regulations, smaller companies in the almost every industry have often been negatively affected by state regulations. As a result of states where small business has...