by Lou Kertesz | Apr 12, 2023 | Lending, Banking and Financing
As you may know, we often publish articles from guest writers. This article was written, not by a person, but by Chat GPT, an artificial intelligence system. At the end of that writing, one of the experienced humans from Revitalization Partners will add some of...
by Lou Kertesz | Mar 29, 2023 | Distressed Companies
There has been no shortage of events over the past several years that have resulted in companies coming under extreme financial pressure due to circumstances beyond their control. Those events range from the COVID crisis, to rising interest rates, the threat of...
by Lou Kertesz | Mar 15, 2023 | Distressed Companies
Over the past 20 years, Revitalization Partners has worked with hundreds of businesses in helping them solve complex business problems and improving the operating results of their companies. In a number of cases, the business has fallen on tough times as a...
by Lou Kertesz | Mar 1, 2023 | Distressed Companies
Given the nature of banks and other lenders tightening their lending policies and a slowdown in purchasing in certain market segments, Revitalization Partners is beginning to hear about a serious problem from both present and prospective clients. Their...
by Lou Kertesz | Feb 15, 2023 | Receiverships and Bankruptcy
Recently, Revitalization Partners (RP) was contacted by a company that had the problem facing many small companies: It had run out of cash. The company is in a business sector that was impacted by difficulties in that sector, problems caused by covid and an...
by Lou Kertesz | Feb 2, 2023 | Operations and Risk Management
If the name George Santos doesn’t ring a bell, then you’ve been in a sleep to match that of Rip Van Winkle or literally shutting out all of the news. For those who fall into one of these categories, George Santos is a recent member of the House of...
by Lou Kertesz | Jan 18, 2023 | Operations and Risk Management
As we bid adieu to 2022, we thought we would provide our insights into some of the lessons learned from our interactions with small to medium-sized businesses throughout the year. Over the course of the year, we have had exposure to businesses in many types of...
by Lou Kertesz | Jan 6, 2023 | Uncategorized
Revitalization Partners Principal – Bill Lawrence – Pens Article That Appears in January ’23 Issue of The King County Bar Association Bulletin.
by Lou Kertesz | Jan 4, 2023 | Lending, Banking and Financing
While inflation is the highest in decades, and workers are demanding higher wages, even in normal times it can be tough for a smaller business to get loans from traditional banks because they lack the assets or credit histories of larger companies. And in many...
by Lou Kertesz | Dec 14, 2022 | In Our Experience
From all of us at Revitalization Partners, we wish you and your families the best of the holiday season. We look forward to a great holiday and resuming our writing after the first of the year. All the Best Revitalization Partners, LLC....